To all my Republican friends and acquaintances, your party is playing right into Nancy Pelosi’s hands. She’s been slow walking the impeachment process because she wants this to continue to play out for the duration of the campaign. The Democratic plan is to continue to let the evidence of Trump’s misdoings trickle out over the next thirteen months, not only take out Trump, but every Republican who has been defending him.

We now have two undeniable instances of impeachable acts being committed by the President. The first instance was Trump ordering the White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Robert Mueller, an order McGahn refused to carry out. This was followed by Trump ordering McGahn to write a letter denying that he had been told to fire Mueller in an attempt to obstruct the Muller investigation.

Now we’ve found out that Trump withheld appropriated funds for military aid to Ukraine, then called the Ukrainian President to ask him to investigate one of the President’s political opponents. There was an obvious implication from Trump that if the Ukrainian President helped him out with this favor, Trump would get the military aid flowing again. It’s clear the White House staff understood the legal implications of what Trump had done which is why they took the unusual step of restricting access to the transcript of the call by putting it in a classified server even though there was nothing classified in the call.

It’s likely that Republicans won’t be able to help themselves from falling into Pelosi’s trap, however if the party leaders act quickly and get out in front of the impeachment process, they might be able to save the 2020 election. If Congressional Republicans fast track the impeachment process Trump could be out in the next month or two which would give them time to nominate someone else for 2020. It would also give them the moral high ground and help mitigate any long-term damage to the party from the Trump Presidency.

This is the Republican’s moment of truth. Do y’all really want to be in the position of having to defend the indefensible for the next 13 months, or do you want to take the high road and do the right thing for America? The nice thing is doing the right thing happens to align with your own long-term best interest, however it goes against many Republicans first instinct of defending the President at all costs. The clock is ticking, this window of opportunity for the Republican party won’t last long. Unless some prominent Republican leaders decide to take a strong stance against the President’s actions, the 3 of November 2020 is going to be a blue day for the Republican party.
